• Intracommunity VAT number: FR8380320467600016
  • SIRET NUMBER : 803 204 676 00016
  • Approval number E 14 006 00 170

Cooperative company, member of the UNION REGIONALE des SCOP et SARL à Capital Variable, with a capital of 3000 €.

Protection of personal data

If you left a message on our guestbook :

When you leave a message on our website's Guestbook, the data written in the Guestbook form, but also your IP adress and the data sent by your browser are gathered to help us detecting undesirable comments.

Your mail adress won't be shown. It is necessary only for a potential answer. It will stay within our services and won't be given to any partner website.

You can ask to receive a file with all the personal data that we hold about you, including what we already gave to you. You can also ask for the deletion of the personal data regarding you.

This does not take into account data stored to administrative, legal, or safety ends..

Other data

Besides the Guestbook, we do not gather personal data.

Traffic data collected on the website do not allow us to identify visitors.


All educational establishments providing education for hire must be approved (art. L.231-1).

Approval is compulsory. It is issued for a period of five years, renewable every five years, by the Prefect of the place where the establishment is located, following the opinion of a commission.

The approval is recorded in a national register, as well as all measures affecting its validity.

A number of conditions must be met before approval is granted. The manager must prove their capacity to manage a driving school.

The person who wishes to rule a driving school must not have been subject to a criminal sentence condemnation or to a correctional sentence, especially for fraud or fraud attempt, breach of trust, driving teaching without authorization or in violation to a suspension measure, traffic crime, or exam fraud.

They must not have been condemned for personal bankruptcy or have been subject to a ban on directing, managing, administrating or business control.

Approval number of the driving school DRIVESCOP

Approval N° : E 14 006 00 170

Find us in Valbonne (near Cannes)

Want to learn more ? Contact us :
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Driving School Drivescop

41, rue Gambetta
06560 | Valbonne

04 92 98 91 10


Office hours

Monday to Saturday :
2 PM / 7 PM


Due to COVID-19, classroom lessons are by appointment only!